Applied Behavior Therapy (ABA)

What is Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the science of human behavior and understanding on how to increase and decrease a behavior. B F Skinner is the father of behaviour analysis. This approach is relatively new and gained popularity in the 1980s in the USA. Samvaad was the first centre in Bangalore to organize a conference on ABA and our Director Radhika Poovayya is the 3 rd Indian to get certified in 2011.

The behaviour of learning is what we are focused on while working with children with autism or any developmental delay. Factors responsible for learning have been extensively studied and applied with children on the spectrum. There is sufficient research to prove the efficacy of ABA in reduces behaviour problems and improving communication in children on the autism spectrum.

Communication pattern in children on the Autism Spectrum

Communication is the most complex of human behaviors. However, we human beings learn to communicate effortlessly in the first 3 years of life. Parents don’t have to teach a child how to communicate; it happens naturally.

Children with Autism are not able to learn communication naturally. They have unusual communication. They pull hands of parents instead of pointing and calling them. They are also selective in their learning. They can recite alphabets, numbers, and colors but cannot communicate their needs. They also cannot follow instructions and will do only what they want to.

Why is ABA effective?

Autism is not a pure speech and language disorder. Children on the spectrum have several challenges apart from communication. They have challenges of attention, sustaining motivation, and compliance issues (cannot point on demand or answer on demand). ABA is effective as it gives clear strategies to address the challenges that children with autism face in a systematic manner and build the prerequisites for communication.

At Samvaad, we are proud to be the first clinic in India to start ABA therapy, and our delighted patient base is the proof of our outcomes over two decades.

When do you need an ABA therapist?

You may consider an ABA therapist for your child when you want them to:

  • Increase interest in communication (asking for things, sharing information)
    rather than relying solely on passive learning from TV and books.
  • Follow instructions easily.
  • Answer questions appropriately and promptly.
  • Tolerate waiting for demands to be met.
  • Accept “No” without having a tantrum.
  • Improve attention to complete tasks.
  • Reduce hyperactivity.
  • Avoid temper tantrums, including behaviors that may hurt others or
  • Engage in appropriate play with toys.
  • Improve sleep and/or eating habits.
  • Achieve independence in dressing and toileting.

Is ABA the best treatment for children with Autism?

Yes, it is recommended that the first treatment a child receives should be ABA. It is also the only evidence-based approach that not only reduces problem behavior but also improves communication and other skills. Improvement in children with ASD is measured by improvement in core deficit areas of communication, social skills, and repetitive play. ABA has strategies that aim at improving these core areas.

The endorsement of ABA as a gold standard in the treatment of ASD children is widespread. It is recommended by the US Head of Public Health and the American Association of Pediatrics. In India, AIIMS, New Delhi has also endorsed this approach. Over 1000 journal articles have proven the efficacy and long-lasting results of this therapy.


  • Experience of over 30 years in the field.
  • Unique therapy which integrates ABA and speech therapy, so no session goes waste
    with a child not being attentive.
  • Personalized 2-in-1 approach help children achieve their learning goals faster and
    more effectively.
  • Monthly targets and progress shared with parents.
  • Parent training enables practice in natural situations.
  • Quality of life for both parents and child significantly improved.
  • Close supervision and easy access to Director maintains quality of therapy provided

Who is qualified to practice ABA?

All the training programs are available only in the USA. The US has a certification board that has 3 levels of licenses:

  • BCBA: US Board Certified Behavior Analysts have completed postgraduate coursework and are responsible for supervising and training RBTs, as well as supervising their work.
  • BCABA: US Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts have completed graduate-level coursework, can design and implement plans, and are supervised by a behavior analyst every month.
  • RBT: Registered Behavior Technicians are students who complete a 40-hour course and implement behavior plans.

Samvaad offers the Best ABA Therapy services in Bangalore as We have all Professionals with the Best of educational background and extensive practical experience of giving the best outcomes.


Prior to the advent of ABA, children with Autism were taught using visual methods, and their spoken language was limited. Families were told to accept and adjust to the child’s behaviour problems.

At Samvaad, we achieve remarkable results in listening and speaking through our integrated approach combining ABA and speech therapy. Children can comprehend language effectively, and their spoken language skills improve significantly.

SAMVAAD Offers ABA at three centres in Bangalore:
  • Domlur
  • Marathahalli
  • Hebbal
samvaad therapy centre

Skills targeted in an ABA program:

  • Attention
  • Compliance
  • Expressive language
  • Following commands
  • Imitation
  • Play Skills
  • Self-help skills
  • Toilet training
  • Social skills

Speech Therapy is the science of human communication and is highly effective in improving communication. However, Speech Therapy is effective for children with good attention span, compliance, and imitation skills. These are the main deficits in children with Autism. Therefore, Speech Therapy is not effective until these skills are developed.

Since ABA is about improving learning, there is a systematic approach of working on lack of motivation, selective listening, compliance issues, and poor language development, which are the core deficits in children with Autism.

Most parents report subtle changes in their child in about two weeks of regular therapy. The subtle changes could be, the child asking for the parent’s attention compared to playing by himself, and reduced tantrums. Within the next three months, the child begins to follow simple commands and requests for a few of his needs. The success of an ABA program depends on good teamwork between the therapist and parents. Parents who can follow the ABA program at home for one to two hours daily will undoubtedly see better results.

Generally, sensory issues are high when the child is diagnosed with autism. As they don’t know how to communicate or play meaningfully at this stage, ABA focuses on improving the child’s listening abilities, compliance, and visual skills. Despite the efforts, if the issues persist, we aim at replacing them with appropriate behavioral skills. For instance, Mouthing, Toe-walking, and Spinning objects can be replaced, and new behavior can be taught.

Our founder being a speech pathologist and behaviour analyst has designed an integrated approach that uses components of ABA. At different times of their development , children need to be taught different skills. Therapists at Samvaad are trained to handle sensory aspects, compliance challenges, and communication training in a single session. This ensures a fast learning rate and also generalization. In addition, parents are trained daily in implementing the strategies, and as they become empowered to handle their child’s development confidently, the sessions can be gradually reduced. With our Founder’s efforts, we are the only centre in India to provide an integrated approach for children with Autism.

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