Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) is an early intervention program for children below the age of 3 years using Cochlear Implants or Hearing Aids. The Auditory-Verbal approach stimulates the brain’s listening regions, enabling these children to understand the language spoken around them.

At Samvaad, we use the Auditory-Verbal approach to help children develop a listening attitude, paying attention to the sounds around them. This approach integrates hearing and listening into communication, play, education, and eventual work.

Furthermore, the learning from our sessions carries over into daily life. This means that parents can turn everyday activities such as setting the table or reading a story into fun-filled listening and learning opportunities at home.

Samvaad offers the best AVT services in Bangalore, with professionals who have the best educational backgrounds and extensive practical experience, leading to the best outcomes.

auditory verbal therapy

Samvaad offers the Best AVT services in Bangalore as We have all Professionals with the Best of educational background and extensive practical experience of giving the best outcomes.


Good Auditory Verbal Therapy is crucial for the success of a cochlear implant or hearing aid in the recipient.

A cochlear implant should ideally be done before the age of two but can be done for children as young as six-months AV Therapy should begin within 15 days of the implant and immediately after a hearing aid is prescribed.

Using ‘listening’ as a primary modality, AVT trains the child to listen first and then focus the shift to speaking. A crucial part of this is the therapist must sit next to the child, as it leaves no scope for lip reading. Once the listening improves, the child learns and begins to speak naturally.

Parents certainly play a significant role as facilitators during the therapy sessions and have to work on generalized listening to different sounds and people’s voices. with their children. The therapist also conducts weekly sessions with the parents to continue the program in the child’s home environment for optimal progress.

No, AVT starts only when an amplification device (hearing aids/cochlear implants) is placed in the child.

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