Abstract – Inability to express after a stroke Madhusudan was a successful businessman, and the family was at a loss when he had a stroke as he couldn’t remember any
Abstract – Inability to express after a stroke Madhusudan was a successful businessman, and the family was at a loss when he had a stroke as he couldn’t remember any
Abstract – Inability to Swallowing food , after a stroke For Mr. Gautam’s family, the language loss after a stroke was difficult to manage, but more challenging than that was
Adult male with stuttering problem Rasheed, a 21-year-old engineering student, came to us with a complaint of stuttering since his childhood. He blamed all his failures on stuttering, but we
Abstract – a software engineer with a feminine voice Coming from a small town in Madhya Pradesh, Harsha was excited to get a job in an MNC in Bangalore. Although
Abstract – could not eat solid food Smrithi, now two years old, was a premature baby and had a mild delay in all her milestones. Her parents were more worried
Abstract – Poor Motor Coordination of the limbs & no communication Neuro motor incoordination limited Ankith’s speech to a few sounds, but this cheerful child had a lot to say!
Abstract – Child not speaking in grammatical sentences Four-year-old Viraj had a vocabulary of only about 300 words he used meaningfully, but his sentences were never grammatically correct. For example:
Abstract – Child not pronouncing sounds correctly/ speech not clear When Ruchi, a four-year-old child, started fussing over social interaction, her surprised mother found out that she was being bullied
Abstract – Not speaking despite wearing hearing aids Akshay was diagnosed with profound hearing loss at the age of 2 ½ years but made minimal progress in speech when he
Abstract- Could name objects but couldn’t ask for his needs When 5-year-old Rahul came to Samvaad, he had already spent many unsuccessful hours in therapy. Diagnosed with Autism at the
# 112, 4th Main, Domlur Second Stage, Bangalore – 560071
Mon-Fri: 10 AM – 6 PM & Sat: 10 AM – 2 PM
Phone : 9980585774
Email : samvaadcentre2012@gmail.com
Scorpio House, Building No.3, 2nd floor, Marathahalli Bridge, Laxmi layout, Munnekolala, Marathahalli, Bangalore- 560037
Mon-Fri: 10 AM – 6 PM & Sat: 10 AM – 2 PM
Phone: 9481602292
Email : samvaadcentre2012@gmail.com
2nd Floor, Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing.
# 18, 1st cross, 5th main, Anandgiri Extension Near Hebbal Police Station, Bangalore – 560024
Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 5.30 PM
Sat: 10 AM – 2 PM
Mobile : 7026776290